Friday 28 January 2011


hi, i'm mun and i can't cope with responsibility.

okay. Ive never been good at writing diaries, ive had about 4 in total each with no more than 3 entries.
forgetfulness? lack of dedication? laziness? probably all three to be honest.
So, a clean slate maybe it could help me with organisation (doubtful) or self expression (again, doubtful) but most of all help me with a severe condition:


It's taken me at least 5 days since making this account to sit down and write even a single sentence. Am I ashamed? Slightly. 

Procrastination. Disabling me from finishing (or even starting) any task, no matter how important, a condition that gets to us all. but as of today (or tomorrow ;) ) I've finally  decided that on the steady approach of my first ever formal exams, to sort this mess out once and for all. Time for a reality check, things don't just finish themselves, and when you make a commitment, seeing it through is the only option.
now that I'm done with the crippling self doubt...
lets get this clear now:
I'm not a bible bashing, cake making lonely housewife. This is going to have to become a place for me to vent whatever stupid thoughts float into my head and childish frustration, and i am determined to abuse this opportunity. Rather like an acne ridden emo in the prime of their teenage years (I wish). well this certainly won't be the last of me.
"And now the flood gates will open"

( i meant that with NO reference to the menstrual cycle whatsoever. ew.)

bye ;D


  1. i do love how you got the menstrual cycle in there... :') xx
